FENCING - an exciting activity to train sharp minds and instant reflexes, a sport of strategy, tactics, and psychology, dubbed physical chess. Success in fencing is not based on size, strength, or speed alone. Victory goes to the smartest, sharpest, and most determined fencer. While technically a martial art, it is one of the safest modern sports with injury rates below those of golf, tennis, and rowing, according to the National Athletic Trainers Association.
FENCING can be a path to the college of your dreams. Over 40 leading colleges and universities, to include every Ivy League school, Stanford, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point have Division I, II, and III NCAA fencing programs. Statistics show that around 32% of young fencers move on to participate in NCAA collegiate varsity teams. Compare that to 5.9% for basketball and 7% for football. Whether you decide to devote yourself to competitive or recreational fencing, Invicta Sports is the right place to start.
THE SPORT OF FENCING is suitable for all ages. Each year, the U.S. Fencing Association (USFA) sponsors numerous competitions for Youth 10, Youth 12, Youth 14, Cadet, Junior, Senior, and Veterans age categories. Fencers of all ages also have an opportunity to represent their own country at international competitions.
ARCHERY is a lifetime sport that grows with you and is exciting, whether you are eight years old or well into your eighties. It is a sport that children can enjoy with their families and friends. Regardless of your physical ability level, you can experience the fun and enjoyment of archery. There is just a few indoor archery facility in the Greater Washington area, and Invicta Sports is one of the best. We will provide all necessary equipment, unless you want to bring your own. Perfect for kids and adults. Beginners will be be supervised by our instructors, and will learn basic skills of target shooting at a maximum 10 yards distance. Don't let weather affect your training and fun.